Nothing’s Binary Kickstarter Campaign Launched!

Click HERE to go straight to my Kickstarter Page and Pledge!

After 4 year’s work, Nothing’s Binary (The Album) is almost ready! It’s got all your favourite songs on it, including the viral title track (with Billie Bottle), I Won’t Be Your Heroine, Superheroes, Spell Out Your Name, Truthseeker, Ordinary Miracles and more! It’s the first album I’ve made as a Digital Nomad and van dweller and the sound is very spontaneous and intimate as a result. I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I loved making it.

There’s a bit more to do on the album, but mainly what I’d like from this Kickstarter, is to be able to get the Vansion I live in ready for winter. It would mean the world to me if the people who love my music would contribute to how I live as a musician and help keep me warm this winter.

The main cost is a diesel heater at £740, but if the target is exceeded or a cheaper heating solution is found, then I could also get all manner of bountiful things such as:

-tongue n’ groove wood cladding for the interior walls
-insulated window panels
-thick curtains
-better bedding
-an additional cupboard (to help make room for the heater)

If you have something to contribute besides money, please get in touch, whether you have materials going spare, or can help to build, or to install the heater. If you have any of the following to give/lend, please let me know:

-A winter duvet
-Use of a sewing machine/workshop where I can make and install better curtains.
-A studio in London where I could record a drummer.

Love and light


£0 Challenge Video Series

In summer 2014 I took my own, self-designed £0 Challenge, to run out of money on purpose and then build back up from zero without begging borrowing or stealing. Here’s my video series about the experience, which I’m now making 4 years later. A new instalment is uploaded each Tuesday, so subscribe to avoid missing any.

The section of my weblog that chronicles this in text starts here: £0 Challenge

“Do You See Me?”: Kimwei’s Workshop at London Togetherness Festival

London folk, don’t miss The Togetherness Festival on June 17th, where Kimwei will be running her latest workshop, entitled “Do You See Me?”

We all have the desire to be fully accepted, yet being truly understood is rare. Why is this? When have we been asked to decide between inclusion and self-realization? When has it seemed necessary to go against our true nature in order to be loved?

Ticket link here

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Pause For Thought – Van Life Series

Thrilled to be back on BBC Radio Devon with Laura James. After so many have showed an interested in my Van Vlogs I decided to do a van and digital nomad series this time. Enjoy 🙂

Nothing’s Binary Gets Its Own Website

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Since May, the Nothing’s Binary project has grown to the point that it needs its own dedicated home in cyberspace. Find it at

I’m thrilled that what started off as me writing one song about being non-binary and recording it with Billie Bottle, has expanded to this point now. It’s included performances, hosting events and running workshops, by myself or with Billie too. I’ve also spoken on BBC Radio Devon, and Beyond The Binary magazine. I’m grateful for the opportunities to contribute to the breaking down of gender stereotyping and celebrating all genders. Long may it continue.